Sabtu, 30 Juni 2012

Why I’m Always Design Tees?

For you that don’t know what is tee. Tee is short for T-Shirt :p


Cause I was enjoyed this. Cause I have a clothing line.  And Cause I’m a Graphic Designer :)


And my new tee design is




Ok, I tell you the secret. The words is a loot. Haha! I was just stolen from Twitland. And some words still waiting for design :p


“Cewek Banged Tuh, Minum Tablet CDR-Nya Langsung Telen Gak Pake Aer”


That is mean “The real girl drink her CDR Tablet gulply without water” :p


You also see my other tees design on Orange Cake Creative Community :)




I’m not person that draw like a breath. All along I can’t draw. And many clothing line have designers that can draw more exclusive than me. Like Schitzo or Peter Says Denim.That’s why I used typography for many design that I made, like that one.


“Words Factory” is similar to Joger or Dagadu. But, I don’t want to be like them.


Original. Raka Cyril said.


“Original will be the last one”




Oh. I swear. I consist to use english for this blog. And that previous post, I will make the translate  XD


And about the story, it’s just a concept for Oranje Eiland :)


“….Oranje Eiland is the land for The Legend of Guardian Waterfall, The Land of Seven Swordsman. The Land of Orange Cake, and…..”


And it’s still going :p


Ok. Enough.


PS: If you see that I use the wrong-english-grammar, I’ll be thankfully if you correct them at comment :)

Selasa, 26 Juni 2012

The Legend of Guardian Waterfall (Alternate Version)

Alkisah di suatu desa di sebuah pulau hiduplah pasangan suami-istri yang cukup lama menikah. Meski mereka menikah cukup lama menikah, namun mereka belum dikaruniai anak satu pun. Namun sang suami mempunyai ide yang sangat tidak normal.

Setelah berdiskusi, berdebat dan bertengkar dengan istrinya, sang suami mengharap bantuan pada Roh Angin untuk mendapatkan anak. Akhirnya sang istri menyerah dan menuruti kata suaminya. Bersama seorang Rahib, mereka berdua pun pergi ke tebing di ujung pulau dimana Roh Angin bersemayam.

Roh Angin menyetujui permintaan mereka, namun dengan satu perjanjian. Mereka harus menyerahkan anak itu kepada Roh Angin setelah berumur sepuluh tahun. Kali ini sang suami menolak gagasan itu, sang istri pun ikut menolak. Buat apa mendapatkan anak, jika nantinya anak itu akan direnggut.

Sang Rahib berusaha merayu mereka berdua, namun pasangan itu bersikukuh tetap menolak. Mereka berdua pun meninggalkan Roh Angin bersama sang Rahib. Roh Angin tersinggung, namun dia tidak marah karena dia punya rencana licik yang perlu dijalankan.

Berselang satu bulan setelah kejadian itu, sang istri hamil. Pikiran sang suami berkecamuk antara bahagia, bingung, curiga dan gelisah. Namun sang istri berusaha menenangkan pikiran suaminya yang berlebihan.

Tanpa sepengetahuan istrinya, sang suami melakukan konsultasi dengan sang Rahib. Rahib yang baik hati itu berpikiran yang sama dengan sang suami. Dengan bijak, Rahib menenangkan sang suami dengan menjaminkan dirinya untuk melindungi anaknya jika Roh Angin akan datang mengambil anaknya.

Sembilan bulan berlalu. Roh Angin belum menampakkan dirinya pada pasangan yang berbahagia tersebut. Saat persalinan pun tiba. Sang Rahib ikut mengawasi persalinan sang istri dan sang suami bertambah pucat dengan kehadiran sang Rahib, ditambah dengan kegugupan sang istri menjelang persalinan pertamanya.

Pada akhirnya persalinan itu berjalan dengan lancar dengan dibantu seorang bidan desa. Seorang bayi perempuan yang sehat telah tiba lahir ke dunia. Sang suami dan sang istri langsung menyambut bayi tersebut dengan berbahagia.

Tiba-tiba saja angin bertiup dengan kencang disambut dengan hujan deras dan petir yang menggelegar. Pintu ruang bersalin terbuka lebar dan masuklah Roh Angin memamerkan senyum liciknya.

Semua orang di dalam ruangan tersebut bergetar ketakutan dan tanpa aba-aba langsung memberi hormat pada Roh Angin, kecuali sang suami dan istrinya. Sang Rahib bertanya apa maksud kedatangan sang Roh Angin. Dan Roh Angin hanya berkata mengingatkan tentang perjanjiannya dengan pasangan suami-istri tersebut dengan lantang dan mengancam akan menghabisi seluruh desa jika kemauannya tidak dituruti. Sang suami ingin menyela namun terlambat, Roh Angin telah menghilang ditelan badai.

Berita menyebar dengan cepat, seluruh desa pun sudah tahu dengan kejadian tersebut dan membuat mereka salah persepsi. Mayoritas penduduk desa menganggap anak yang lahir tersebut dengan anak sial yang harus dijauhi. Sang suami dan istrinya memohon perlindungan Rahib dan perangkat desa lainnya, namun hal itu sia-sia. Alhasil mereka beserta anak mereka yang baru lahir diasingkan dari desa.

Sepuluh tahun berlalu. Anak perempuan itu tumbuh cepat menjadi gadis kecil yang periang, bertanya tentang segala hal. Dan sepuluh tahun tidak cukup untuk membuat orang tua gadis kecil tenang masa depan anak semata wayangnya.

Dan pada suatu malam dengan hujan yang deras, Roh Angin mendatangi rumah pasangan suami-istri itu. Dia mendobrak pintu rumah mereka, namun dia tak menemukan satu pun orang di dalam rumah itu. Dia pun marah dan mengacak-ngacak rumah itu dan akhirnya membakarnya.

Pada akhirnya Roh Angin menemukan keluarga kecil itu berkumpul di luar rumah basah kuyup terguyur hujan. Tapi mereka tak sendirian, sang Rahib datang membawa puluhan muridnya dengan jubah hitam mereka bersiaga penuh. Roh Angin hanya menyeringai penuh ejek melihat mereka menodongkan Rosario mereka ke arahnya.

Keadaan berlangsung cepat. Roh Angin langsung menerjang para rahib itu dengan brutal. Para rahib satu per satu tumbang diterjang olehnya. Namun sang Rahib tua terus meneriakkan semangat juang pada murid-muridnya. Tapi hal itu sia-sia, korban terus berjatuhan.

Melihat keadaan itu, Sang Rahib tua mengumpulkan muridnya yang tersisa dan mengajak mereka membaca mantera bersama-sama. Seketika itu seberkas energi besar terkumpul pada Rosario sang Rahib tua yang mengarahkannya pada Roh Angin yang mengamuk pada murd-murid Rahib yang menghalanginya.

Energi tersebut ditembakkan, melesat dengan cepat dan buas ke arah Roh Angin dan mengenainya tepat di dadanya. Ledakan hebat tak terelakkan, semua orang terpental ke segala arah.

Sang gadis mengerjap-ngerjapkan matanya bangun. Hujan sudah berhenti dan pagi menjelang, namun dia menangis karena tak bisa membangunkan kedua orang tuanya. Dia terus menangis dengan putus asa hingga dia mendengar sayup-sayup seseorang yang memanggil namanya. Dia tak asing dengan panggilan itu, dan berusaha mencari tahu siapa yang memanggilnya.

Gadis kecil mengenalnya sebagai kakeknya, sang Rahib tua. Dia memapah sang kakek untuk bangun tapi sang kakek menolaknya, dan berusaha memohon gadis kecil untuk mendengarkannya. Gadis kecil memulai tangisan kembali namun sang kakek menyelanya dan memberikan sebuah amplop untuknya. Dia berkata bahwa di dalam amplop tersebut ada surat yang harus diberikan gadis kecil pada seseorang di desa. Sang kakek tidak bisa menemaninya, jadi dia berpesan kepada gadis kecil untuk kuat pergi ke desa sendirian.

Sang kakek pun beristirahat dengan tenang, dibanjiri oleh tangisan sang gadis kecil. Setelah lelah tak tahu harus bagaimana, akhirnya dia memutuskan untuk pergi ke desa sendirian ditemani dengan sesenggukan tangisnya selama perjalanan. Sesekali dia terjatuh, tersandung akar-akar hutan yang menghalangi jalan. Dia bangun dan berlari hingga menemukan sebuah desa.

Di desa gadis kecil tahu harus kemana. Ayah dan ibunya sesekali ke desa untuk bertemu sang kakek beberapa saat, lalu mereka kembali ke rumah mereka di hutan. Gadis kecil terus berjalan mengikuti memorinya dan membawanya pada sebuah gereja. Dia langsung masuk dan menemukan seorang rahib yang mengenalnya.

Rahib itu membaca surat dari Rahib tua. Rahib tua menyuruhnya untuk menyusupkan sang gadis kecil ke istana kerajaan dimana perlindungannya cukup kuat untuk menahan Roh Angin merenggut gadis kecil itu. Sang rahib muda tau resiko yang dihadapinya, dia tau Roh Angin terlalu kuat bahkan untuk ukuran kerajaan sekalipun. Namun surat Rahib tua meyakinkannya dan mengingatkannya pada sebuah cerita.

Sang Rahib tua pernah bercerita pada sang Rahib muda tentang mimpinya bersama sang gadis kecil. Gadis kecil itu, seorang titisan Roh Angin mempunyai kekuatan untuk menyelamatkan kerajaan. Dan suatu saat gadis itu harus dibawa masuk ke kerajaan.

Besoknya, sang Rahib muda membawa gadis kecil menyeberang pulau menuju ibukota kerajaan. Doa tak ragu lagi membawa sang gadis kecil ke istana. Kesedihan gadis kecil itu sirna ketika dia merasakan pertama kalinya berlayar dengan kapal layar. Dia berkeliling ke seluruh dek dengan ceria dan awak kapal yang bekerja menyapanya dengan ramah.

Mereka tiba di ibukota yang tak jauh dari pelabuhan. Sang Rahib muda langsung membawa gadis kecil ke istana tempat Rahib pemimpin berada. Dia memberi kabar tentang meninggalnya sang Rahib tua dan sang Rahib pemimpin langsung kaget dan syok mendengar kabar tersebut. Dan Rahib muda menjelaskan bahwa permintaan terakhir sang Rahib tua adalah membawa gadis kecil untuk disusupkan ke istana.

Rahib pemimpin langsung menyetujuinya. Dia langsung mengingat kembali tentang kunjungan terakhirnya pada Rahib tua. Kunjungan tersebut telah diketahui lebih dulu oleh Rahib tua tanpa seorang pun tahu. Rahib tua pun menceritakan mimpi yang sama kepadanya, namun dirinya merasa kaget dengan cerita yang tak masuk akal tersebut. Tapi sang Rahib pemimpin tersadar akan kredibilitas sang Rahib tua. Apalagi sang Rahib tua telah menjawab apa maksud tujuan kunjungannya.

Gadis kecil itupun dibawa oleh Rahib pemimpin ke asrama para pelayan kerajaan. Dan dia berpesan pada kepala pelayan untuk merawat gadis ini. Sang gadis kecil pun ditunjukkan kamarnya dan diminta untuk tidur karena malam telah larut. Saat itulah dia pertama kali bermimpi terjatuh dari tebing air terjun dan menemukan sebuah pedang bergagang biru.


ps: akhirnya gue putusin bersambung juga hehehe XD

 In English

Once upon a time in a village on an island a couple lived long enough to marry. Although they were married long, but they have not been blessed with one child. But the husband had an idea that is not normal.

After discussion, debate and argument with his wife, the husband was expecting help on Holy Wind to have children. Finally, his wife gave up and followed her husband said. With a monk, they both went to the cliff at the end of the island where dwells the Spirit Wind.

The Holy Wind approve their requests, yet with one treaty. They must submit the child to the Holy Wind after the age of ten. This time the husband rejected the idea, the wife too. Why would have a child, if the child will be taken away.

The monk tried to seduce them both, but the couple insist on refusing. They both left with the Holy Wind and Monks. Holy Wind offended, but he was not angry because he had a cunning plan to run.

Came a month after the incident, the wife is pregnant. The husband's mind was racing between happy, confused, suspicious and anxious. But the wife tried to calm her mind too much.

Unbeknownst to his wife, the husband to consult with the monk. Kindly monk who was thinking the same thing with her husband. Wisely, the husband with a calm monk pledged himself to protect her child if the Holy WInd will come pick up her child.

Nine months passed. Holy Wind has not revealed itself in the happy couple. When the delivered arrived, the Monks participate in supervising the labor of the wife and the husband grew pale in the presence of the monk, coupled with the nervousness of his wife before his first delivery.

In the end it's delivery went smoothly with the help of a midwife. A healthy baby girl born into the world. The husband and the wife immediately greeted with a happy baby.

Suddenly the wind blew loudly greeted with torrential rain and thunder boomed. The delivery room door wide open and in walked the Holy Wind exhibit cunning smile.

Everyone in the room shaking fear and without warning directly to salute the Holy Wind, but not the husband and wife. The monk asked what was meant by the coming of the Holy Wind. Holy Wind just said reminded about the deal with married couples with a loud and threatening to kill the entire village if his will is not obeyed. The husband want interrupt but late to, the Holy Wind has been disappeared swallowed by storm.

News spread quickly, the whole village was already out with the event and make them one of perception. The majority of villagers consider a child born with the unfortunate children who must be shunned. The husband and wife begged protection to monk and the other villages, but it was worth it. As a result they and their newborn daughter was exiled from the village.

Ten years passed. The girl grew quickly into a cheerful little girl, asked about everything. And ten years is not enough to make a quiet little girl's parents only child the child's future.

And on a night with heavy rain, the Holy Wind came to the house that the couple. He broke down the door of their home, but he could not find a single person in the house. He was angry and destroy house and eventually burned.

Holy Wind eventually found a small family gathered outside the house soaking wet rain washed. But they are not alone, the monk arrived with dozens of students with their black robes full alert. Holy Wind just grinned full of taunted see the them pointing a Rosario them into her direction.

State is rapid. Holy Wind direct brutal hit to monks. The monks one by one fell, hit by it. But the old monk kept shouting fighting spirit in his students. But it was in vain, the victims continue to fall.

Seeing the situation, the old monk to collect the remaining students and asked them to read the spell together. Immediately, a beam of energy accumulated in the old monk's Rosario who directs the Holy Wind is raging on the murd-student monk in his way.

Energy was fired, and quickly sped toward Spirit ferocious winds and hit him right on his chest. Great explosion is inevitable, everyone bouncing in all directions.

The girl blinked awake. The rain had stopped and the morning rising, but she was crying because she could not wake her parents. She continued to weep in despair until he heard the faint someone calling his name. She know stranger with the call it, and trying to find out who that called it.

The little girl knew her as a grandfather, the old monk. She bolster her grandfather to get up but his grandfather refused, and tried to beg a little girl listening to her. The little girl started crying again, but her grandfather interrupted her and gave her an envelope. He said that in the envelope was a letter that little girl must be given to someone in the village. The old man could not accompany him, so he sends to little girls to be strong going into the village alone.

Her grandfather was resting quietly, tears flooded by little girl. Having tired of not knowing what to do, he finally decided to go to the village alone, accompanied by crying uncontrollably during the trip. Every now and then he fell, tripping over roots of forest stand in the way. She got up and ran to find a village.

In the village the little girl knew where to go. Her father and mother occasionally to the village to meet his grandfather for a while, then they return to their homes in the woods. The little girl continued to follow its memory and take it to a church. He directly incoming and discover a monk who knew him.

The monk was reading a letter from an old monk. Old monk told him to smuggle the girls into the royal palace where the protection is strong enough to resist the Holy Wind snatched the little girl. The young monks know the risks it faces, he knows the Holy Wind is too strong even for the royal though. But the old monk assured him the letter and reminded him of a story.

The old monk had told him about his dream of a young monk with his little girl. The little girl, an incarnation of the Holy Wind has the power to save the kingdom. And one day she should be brought into the kingdom.

Next day, the Monks brought young small girl cross over island of toward the capital of kingdom. Prayer no hesitate anymore of leading his little girl to the palace. The little girl's sadness vanished when she felt the first time sailing on the screen. She traveled all over the deck with a cheerful and crew who worked with a friendly greeting.

They arrived in the capital not far from the harbor. The young monk immediately bring the little girl to the palace where the monk was the leader. He gave the news of the death of the old monk and the monk leaders stunned and shocked to hear the news. And the young monk explained that the old monk's last request was to bring the little girl for smuggled into the palace.

Monk leaders agreed immediately. He instantly recalled the recent trip to the old monk. The visit had been known earlier by the old monk, where no one knows. Old monk was telling her the same dream, but he was surprised by the story that is absurd. But the monk leaders will realize the credibility of the old monk. Moreover, the old monk had said what the intent purpose of his visit.

The little girl was brought by the monk rose to the dorm leader of the royal servants. And he ordered the butler to take care of this girl. The little girl was shown her room and asked to sleep because it was late at night. That's when he first dreamed of falling off the cliff waterfall and found a blue-handled sword.

To be continued.

ps: sorry with the grammar cause I using Google Translate XD

Minggu, 17 Juni 2012

The Legend of Guardian Waterfall

Alkisah diceritakan seorang kapten bajak laut bersama para krunya berlabuh di sebuah pulau. Bukan bajak laut biasa, tapi bajak laut yang paling ditakuti di tujuh lautan saat itu. Orang menyebut kapal mereka dengan nama The Black Key. Kapten mereka kejam, para krunya pun brutal tanpa mengenal belas kasihan.

Sang kapten tak pernah menemukan pulau ini sebelumnya, dia merasa perlu untuk menguasai pulau itu. Keinginan itu begitu kuat hingga kapten pun memutuskan untuk membuat kekacauan di pulau itu.

Dengan mudah, sang kapten menguasai pulau itu. Mulailah dia menindas para penduduk, membunuh bagi mereka yang melawan, membakar rumah mereka dan menyiksanya hidup-hidup hingga akhirnya dia mendapati seorang gadis kecil menangis. Menangis melihat orang tuanya dibakar hidup-hidup.

Matanya biru. Berkilauan karena butiran-butiran air mata yang menggenang di pelupuknya. Di lehernya tergantung sebuah rosario. Sang kapten mengiranya rosario, tapi itu bukan sekedar rosario. Bentuknya mirip tapi sedikit beda dengan ukiran asing di atasnya.

Sang gadis menatap kapten, lalu dia menggenggam ‘rosario’ nya dan berkomat-kamit membaca sesuatu dalam bahasa asing yang tidak dimengerti oleh sang kapten dan para krunya.

Kemudian langit bergemuruh, angin berhembus kuat, petir menyambar-nyambar. Badai datang secara cepat dan sosok gadis kecil itu berubah menjadi sesuatu yang beda, di luar akal sehat manusia.

Matanya bercahaya biru.

Sang gadis berdiri dengan angkuh, rambutnya berkibar-kibar tertiup angin. Di belakangnya sesosok bayangan hitam muncul dengan wajah menyeramkan. Marah.


Suaranya berbeda. Suara sang gadis tetap sama, namun ditambah dengan suara berat dan suara melengking di belakangnya membuatnya terdengar mengerikan.

Para awak kapal bergidik, namun sang kapten tetap berdiri tegak berusaha tenang.


Tiga suara dengan kompak membaca sebuah mantera dengan bahasa asing yang sama. Tubuh sang gadis perlahan-lahan melayang, matanya masih bersinar biru dan mulutnya tak berhenti membaca mantera.


Lalu sang gadis terjatuh, dia pingsan. Kemudian bumi bergetar hebat, daratan terbelah dan batu-batu berjatuhan dari langit. Sang kapten dan para krunya berlari kabur ke kapal mereka, dan dengan aba-aba sang kapten mereka berlayar meninggalkan pulau tersebut.

Sang kapten menghirup napas lega, namun keadaan belum memihak dirinya. Tiba-tiba saja lautan bergejolak hebat, badai pun bertambah mencekam. Kemudian munculah tentakel-tentakel besar mencoba melilit badan kapal. Sang kapten langsung mengambil keputusan cepat.


Dan mulailah awak kapal menembakkan seluruh pelurunya, mengayunkan pedang-pedang mereka dengan gagah berani namun semua sia-sia. Kraken, monster laut berwujud gurita raksasa berhasil melilitkan tentakelnya ke tubuh kapal dan menariknya jauh ke dalam dinginnya laut.

Sang kapten dan para awaknya telah dikutuk menjadi abadi, kapal mereka takkan pernah berlabuh dan mereka akan terus berlayar di tujuh lautan hingga akhir dunia. Mereka akan menghantui kesunyian lautan dan menyerang kapal-kapal layar.

Tempat munculnya sesosok Roh penghuni pulau di pulau tersebut tiba-tiba terbentuk sebuah air terjun. Oleh sang gadis kecil, para penduduk pulau diminta minum air dari air terjun tersebut agar selamat. Lalu setiap bayi yang baru lahir di pulau itu harus dimandikan di air terjun tersebut.

Namun yang paling mengerikan adalah setiap pendatang yang singgah di pulau tersebut harus meminum air tersebut, agar setelah dia meninggalkan pulau dia tidak dicari oleh sang kapten dan para awaknya yang dikutuk. Maka air terjun itu disebut Guardian Waterfall, Air Terjun Penyelamat.


PS: Gilak. Awalnya ragu bakal nyelesain ini, tapi apa daya. Soalnya udah setahun lebih gak nulis sih.

Inspirasinya dari The Flying Dutchman dan lebih banyak ngambil dari Jack Sparrow sih :p

Iya, referensinya kurang.

Jadi butuh banged referensi tentang fantasi yang ada hubungannya dengan bajak laut sama negeri Belanda.

Kisahnya ada dua. Mungkin next bakal berbau Peter Pan :)

In English

Once upon time a pirate captain with his crew landed on an island. Rather than regular pirates, but the most feared pirate on the seven seas at the time. People refer to their ships by the name The Black Key. Their ruthless captain, the crew was brutal with no pity know.

The captain had never discovered this island before, he felt the need to control the island. The desire was so strong that the captain decided to create chaos in the island.

Easily, the captain controlled the island. He began to oppress the inhabitants, killing those who resist, their houses burned and tortured him until he finds a little girl crying. Wept to see his parents burned alive.

His eyes were blue. Glistening with beads of tears that welled in her eyes. Around her neck hangs a rosary. The captain thought him the rosary, but it's not just a rosary. The shape is similar but slightly different with foreign engravings on it.

The girl stared at the captain, and he grasped 'rosary' it and mumbling to read something in a foreign language not understood by the captain and his crew.

Then the sky rumbled, wind, lightning darting. The storm came quickly and the figure of the little girl turned into something different, beyond human reason.

His eyes glow blue.

The girl stood up with dignity, her hair fluttering in the breeze. Behind her dark figure appeared with a scary face. Angry.

"YOU! HOW DARE YOU messed up in my house! '"

His voice is different. The girl's voice remains the same, but coupled with a deep voice and a squeaky voice behind it makes it sound terrible.

The crew of the ship shuddered, but the captain was trying to stay standing still.

"YOU! WHO has disrupted my house! ACCEPT THIS! "

Three sound with a compact read a spell with the same foreign language. The girl's body drifted slowly, her eyes still bright blue and his mouth did not stop reading the incantation.

"Your soul is your ship AND WILL ABIDE Crew and served!"

Then the girl fell, she fainted. Then the earth shook, and the mainland split stones falling from the sky. The captain and the crew ran to escape to their ships, and with the captain's command they set sail to leave the island.

The captain breathe a sigh of relief, but the situation has not sided with him. Suddenly the great turbulent ocean, the storm was growing tense. Then came the big tentacles wrapped around the hull to try. The captain immediately took a quick decision.


And the crew began firing all the bullets, swinging their swords bravely but all in vain. Kraken, a giant sea monster tangible octopus tentacles had wrapped the body of the boat and pulled away into the cold sea.

The captain and the crew has been cursed to be immortal, they would never ship docked and they will continue to sail the seven seas until the end of the world. They will haunt the silence of the sea and attacked the ships of the screen.

Spirit places the emergence of a figure on the island inhabitants of the island is suddenly formed a waterfall. By the little girl, island residents are asked to drink water from the waterfall in order to survive. Then every newborn in the island should be bathed in the waterfall.

However, the most terrible is that every immigrant who arrive on the island have to drhnk the water, so after he left the island he was not wanted by the captain and his crew are cursed. Then it is called Guardian waterfall Waterfall, Niagara Savior.


PS: Gilak. Nyelesain will initially hesitant, but alas. Because not write more than a year already anyway.

Inspiration from The Flying Dutchman and a lot more of Jack Sparrow ngambil anyway: p

Yes, references will be less.

So it took about fantasy banged reference that has to do with pirates at the Netherlands.

The story is twofold. Maybe next Peter Pan would smell :)

Selasa, 12 Juni 2012

June 2012

Already in June. I think it was someone's birthday. Oh, I think is my mother! But I'm forget what the day XD

What the rush now?

I'm going to develope Orange Cake Creative Community and get some contraints within.

First, I'm alone. Forever alone, 9gag said.

Second, I need a girlfriend :p

Third, I need a team.

But this morning, I get some words from Aria Rajasa, founder from here

"What if you are in fact very close to your success but you then decided to just stop?"

"What if you actually are only one month of the expected explosion of sales of one game or a longer of your success?"

"Are you going to regret it during your lifetime to not try harder? "

"I persisted because I knew this was what I wanted to do in my life. I continue to survive because I am better off doing this than anything else in this world. I continue to survive because I love what I do."

Great words.

The dream (or DF call 'cita-cita') must be strengthened.

Like @rakaciril

I never meet someone who's inspired me like this. All concept from OCCC inspired from him (well, OCCC is more shambles :p).

He start with Clothing. Then he made a Bar. And continued with Guild (well, it's mean something like 'construct a building').

#SchitzoAircraft. #SchitzoIsland

The dream must be detailed. I'm still not know OCCC (Orange Cake Creative Community) where take it at the future....

Thanks to Google Translate by the way :p


Sabtu, 02 Juni 2012

The Workman?

Again this afternoon when I devote my work and my friends ran into two people father and a mother. And then is heard by my friends that my mother murmured.

"Arek pondok ta kuli bangunan "

"This is what the cabin boy hod"

Well, I heard it directly offended. You know young people. But after I thought about it, what upset me. Thinking "from reference to" it is thought to narrow. Yep, thought the mother was thinking narrowly!

Keep in mind I welcome the month here Rojab environment crowded with the restoration, refurbishment, renovation of buildings as may be necessary to welcome Shiddiqiyyah Day which falls about 27 days. I actually do not want to defend themselves. But what is the basis of the disciples of Guru is working as construction workers?

Guru had said, "Thought is not what we receive from Shiddiqiyyah, but what we give to Shiddiqiyyah. If think what we have received from Shiddiqiyyah was not going all-out thought, because we've received a lot of Shiddiqiyyah "

Yep, this is the real lesson form. Uswatun Hasanah.  One thing that often I forget banged, tassawuf world is not only seen from the outside.


In Indonesian.

Tadi siang saat gue lagi kerja bakti gue dan temen-temen berpapasan dengan 2 orang bapak dan seorang ibu. Lalu kemudian terdengar oleh temen-temen bahwa ibu menggumam.

“Arek pondok ta kuli bangunan”

“Ini anak pondok apa kuli bangunan”

Well, mendengar hal itu gue langsung tersinggung. Biasalah anak muda. Tapi setelah gue pikir-pikir, buat apa gue marah. Pemikiran “asal nyebut” itu adalah pemikiran yang sempit. Yap, pemikiran ibu itu pemikiran yang sempit!

Perlu diketahui menyambut bulan Rojab lingkungan gue di sini ramai dengan pemugaran-pemugaran, renovasi bangunan yang dianggap perlu untuk menyambut Hari Shiddiqiyyah yang jatuh sekitar 27 hari lagi. Gue sebenernya gak mau membela diri. Tapi apa dasar para murid-murid Pak Yai ini bekerja layaknya kuli bangunan?

Pak Yai pernah dawuh, “Pemikiran itu bukan apa yang kita terima dari Shiddiqiyyah, tapi apa yang kita beri untuk Shiddiqiyyah. Kalo berpikir apa yang sudah kita terima dari Shiddiqiyyah itu gak bakal habis-habis dipikirkan, karena kita sudah banyak menerima dari Shiddiqiyyah”

Yap, inilah bentuk pelajaran nyata. Uswatun Hasanah.

Satu hal yang sering banged gue lupa, dunia Tassawuf itu bukan hanya dilihat dari luarnya saja.

Udah ah.

Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

God damn it! Why I never been fix this problem?!

As you know, I have a clothing line. And I’m always get lose. Again and again. Hah.


First time. I make a Music’s Day Tees in 2011, I get a hitch of quality and price. The Tees quality is under of distro standart that likes a campaign tees.


Second. I make a Paramore Tees, I get a hitch of quality and price again. But the quality is better than first time, but the price is not good.


Third. I make a sample of Music’s Day in this year (2012), I get lose from screen printing. Twice price from first time I use the service.


Fourth, at this time. I get wrong of size. The size of tees is smallness. Fyi, my customers have a big body :p


This tee is very very good, I never buy a combed cotton before. But I don’t know what the quality. Is it 30’s or 20’s? And I’m sure, I’ll be back to this store. They made itself (Made in Indonesian of course) and the owner is very friendly. A chinese, and she’s hot :p


But I never stop about clothing. Is just to begin to give up (Nava Gave Ap, Creative!). And it’s not about give up and survive, I feel like I love this job. Use the tee with ourselves design is fun and make proud :)




PS: My english is evidently still messy, and for your information I use Google Translate servise to make this post xoxoxoxo :p

And I’m very thankful that someone correct my english :D

Oh yeah, usually I write “Udah ah” at the end of post. But I don’t know how to make this word in english. I use “Done” not “Never mind” cause I think “Never mind” is not represent that word. Other opinion?